How to identify if you have gum disease?

“Periodontal Disease”, in common words gum disease is the reason behind the inflammation of the soft tissue and bone supporting the teeth. It is due to particular kind of bacteria infecting and gums. It is a serious dental condition and if not treated then it can lead to serious oral health condition. Many people don’t’ understand that gum disease can be treated prior to its detection. Having routine check-up appointments with the dentist is the best approach to confirm if you are suffering from gum disease.

Sign of gum disease:

• Gums that bleed after brushing.
• Gums that Appear Red and Swollen
• Gum discoloration
• Constant bad breath.
• Sores in your mouth
• Loose teeth
• Painful chewing
• Sensitive teeth

Gingivitis vs. Periodontists

Gingivitis is the reason behind the gums to be red, swollen and bleed. Too much plaque buildup is the reason of Gingivitis. If plaque is not eliminated, it generates toxins that can inflame the gum tissue, which leads to gum inflammation and bleed.

What Causes Gum Disease?

Gum disease mostly results from bad oral hygiene, diabetes, use of particular medications, tobacco , poor diet. Despite that, most gum disease starts as simple gingivitis, which can be treated and prevented effortlessly.

How to Prevent Gum Disease?

Gum disease can be prevented by maintaining good oral hygiene which includes brushing two-times per day for two minutes. Gum disease  can be prevented by going to your dentist twice a year and maintaining a healthier diet.

It’s best to treat Gum Disease Early

Gum disease treated in its initial stages making early diagnosis leads to successful treatment. Schedule an appointment with our office so that we can evaluate your oral health, and provide you with a treatment plan that will help fight with gum disease

Gum Disease Treatment at Esk Family Dental

If you are experiencing any signs described above then it is sensible to visit your dentist for a comprehensive examination. Treating gum disease early can effectively stops the symptoms. Contact one of our friendly practices or book an appointment online today.